For over 10 years, I've taught about the big punch liposomal vitamin C provides the body - especially when coming down with something, while sick, or while recovering from a chronic illness. There are other liposomal products that have come on the market since then that also pack a huge punch - one of which packs a major punch to pathogens in the body and, is a must-have remedy, for any home or remedy storage. (More info down below.)
Liposomal remedies contain nutrients/medicines that are far more absorbable than regular supplements. LivOn Labs liposomal vitamin C is said to be comparable to receiving IV vitamin C therapy. Because the microscopic substances in the following liposomal remedies are encapsulated in a phospholipid/fat layer, we are able to absorb up to 90% of that remedy/nutrient (unlike the typical 6% -12% absorption rate) - and it has a better effect on the brain and the organs of the body.
Because of the efficacy of these products, I decided to share my favorite (and most beneficial and high-quality) liposomal remedies - at the lowest prices anywhere - for the next 2 weeks.
(June 1st will be the last day to place a pre-order for these remedies.)

Here's information about each of the liposomal formulas included in this pre-order:
by Doctor Inspired Formulations:
This particular formula is considered the "big guns" for killing off hard-to-reach pathogens in the body. Cinnamon, clove, and oregano are an amazing blend on their own (I've used this blend via essential oils many times.) But turning this powerful blend into a liposomal formula packs an even bigger punch - especially for difficult-to-reach areas in the body like the organs and the brain.
This formula is in high demand and sells out quickly. Many health professionals and clinics use this as a staple for many of their patients - especially for people suffering with lyme, pathogen overload, or people with acute or chronic infections. (Basic laboratory research from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine shows reductions in tick-born infection persister forms and biofilms.)
by DesBio:
This liposomal formula is one of my favorites because it's a blend of both vitamin C and B vitamins, both of which give the body's immune system and overall energy production a big boost. This formula was created to mimic the vitamin profile in the widely-used intravenous Myer's cocktail. This cocktail helps with fatigue, mitochondrial dysfunction, immune system health, cellular repair and supports patients with many health conditions.
These essential nutrients may perform many critical roles in the body for supporting the neurological system, mitochondrial health, and energy metabolism. (I feel it when I take it.) You can choose to take this once a day, every other day, or for a 2-3 week daily dose to get those levels up then use again, as needed, 3-4 months later, or as needed. Or save it for when you feel a day when you're needing it.
by Livon Labs:
This is the first liposomal product I began teaching about 10 years ago. It's still our top go-to for liposomal formulas in our home. When someone feels like they're coming down with something, we take a package. If someone is sick, we'll take two of these per day. It gives a big boost to the immune system.
This highly absorbable form of vitamin C helps support the immune system, protects the body from free radical damage, supports muscle and body recovery, supports skin firmness
by LivOn Labs:

Considered the "ultimate brain supplement", this liposomal formula uses the threonate form of magnesium (which is the only substance scientifically shown to raise magnesium levels in the brain) which is then turned into a liposomal form, making this one of the best magnesium supplements on the market for brain health.
This liposomal formula is known to support brain and memory health, support bone health and nervous system health, support optimal cognitive function, and helps facilitate learning and mood relaxation. And it helps improve the body's stress response and magnesium mineral depletion.
Depending on one's needs, either take one packet per day or take as needed for helping the body to relax, the brain to function more optimally, or the nervous system to become more balanced.
by LivOn Labs:

Glutathione is considered the master antioxidant of the body. Glutathione boosts white blood cell production to fight infection, particularly the T-cells, which are called lymphocytes. T-cells are at the core of our immunity, and tailor the body's immune response to pathogens, viral and bacterial infections or anything the cells recognize as being invasive. T-cells directly attack and destroy infectious agents and guard the body against attack. T-cells are produced in the bone marrow and mature in the thymus, but are present in the blood and lymph nodes.
Intracellular Glutathione fights inflammation and preserves cell health. It also works to improve cognitive function, improve circulation, increase energy, and improve heart and lung function. Glutathione has also been shown to slow the aging process. Energy, healthy organs and skin (the skin is an organ) all require healthy cells. Glutathione is cell food.
Glutathione is not only important to the natural detoxification process within the body that eliminates toxins and carcinogens but is also essential to healing the damage within the cells. Every moment Glutathione is defending our body against disease, toxins, poisons, viruses, pollutants, radiation, drugs and oxidative stress, then immediately works to repair any damage from free radicals. Glutathione is essential for DNA synthesis and repair, protein and fat synthesis, the regulation of enzymes and amino acid transport. Each cell in the body is responsible for its own supply of Glutathione and needs the raw materials to produce it.

There are many wonderful benefits of having Glutathione in our bodies. And there are ways to help increase this powerful antioxidant by either taking specific nutritional/supplemental compounds or by taking a high-quality glutathione supplement.
I hope these liposomal products will make a positive change for you or a loved one.
I'll be in touch!