Sprouting our grains will benefit us tremendously during a disaster situation. Not only are we increasing the nutrients by up to 2000% by sprouting them but sprouted grains, nuts, seeds, or legumes are also easier to digest and the nutrients within them are more bio-available to our system.
We can easily sprout the grains, legumes, seeds and nuts that we may already have stored in our food storage:
- wheat
- rye
- barley
- sunflower seeds
- lentils
- beans
- and more
Here's a printable sprouting instruction sheet I hand out at my classes and seminars - it tells you how to simply and easily sprout all manner of grains, nuts, seeds and legumes.
Having said all that - I have really wanted a yummy sprouting mix stored away meant solely for sprouting. This sprouting mix will be sprouted and given to my family as a snack or to be topped on any type of food we're eating be it a casserole-type meal or soups.
The cost of a sprouting mix like this ranges from $85 to $110 for a 5-6 gallon bucket! This was more than I could get myself to spend. After looking at the cost of how much it'd be to put together a sprouting mix similar to this by purchasing these grains and seeds in bulk - I was excited to see how much I'd be saving!
Here's the video on how I put it all together:
Seeds I used:
Wheat (white) - 25 lbs - Dave's Farms
Rye Berries, Organic - 25 lbs - Azure Standard
Peas Green, Whole - 25 lbs - Azure Standard
Lentils, Green, Organic - 25 lbs - Azure Standard
Mung Beans, Organic - 25 lbs - Azure Standard
Adzuki Beans, Organic - 25 lbs - Azure Standard
Fenugreek Seeds, Whole, Organic - 4, 1 lb bags - Azure Standard
These grains and seeds filled up 4.5 - 5 gallon containers.
This brought my overall cost of each 5 gallon container (including the cost of the containers and lids) to $55.50.
If you want to save a little money a little further - omit the fenugreek seeds.
- - - This sprouting mix will store for 10+ years. - - -
If you want to save a little money a little further - omit the fenugreek seeds.
- - - This sprouting mix will store for 10+ years. - - -
Diatomaceous Earth can be ordered from Azure Standard, Alpine Food Storage, possibly from your local health food store, or buy the food grade kind somewhere online.
As always, I hope this information will be a blessing to you and your family.
As always, I hope this information will be a blessing to you and your family.