Has everyone made their Master Tonic (aka "Fire Cider") yet for this fall and winter season? I made 4 quarts in only 15 minutes! This remedy is amazing at kicking out flu's, colds, sinus infections, and more. You can take it to help PREVENT illnesses from hitting or take it for an ACTIVE illness.
There is NO solid recipe to this tonic. You can add as much or as little of each of the ingredients as you want. Just make sure that approximately 3/4 of the remedy is the medicinally powerful produce and the rest is the raw apple cider vinegar - and that's it!
Here are the basic ingredients:

generous pinch of cayenne powder

Chop the produce up some. (I didn't peel my garlic.) Place in blender. Add ACV. Blend until everything is in small chunks. Place in 2 quart jar - fill up rest of way with ACV. Place in fridge - will last for 6 months to one year.
Preventative: Use 1 Tbsp. every day (straight or mixed into water).
During Illness: Use 1 Tbsp every 1-2 hours (straight or mixed into water).
As always, I hope this information will be a blessing to you and your family!