Tuesday, July 27, 2021

NEW Detox & Protection Sets!

 Weekly D&P Sets 

I think that these sets are kind of a big deal - here's why...

I recently developed two homeopathic remedy sets that are to be used once a week to help with the supportive effects of protecting the body and/or helping with the temporary relief of symptoms associated with the exposure of unwanted substances that are found in our environment... toxins, frequencies, and viruses that wreak havoc with our bodies. 

I haven’t felt this strongly about a remedy set in a long time. This is an important one! Here’s how it came together…

The Story...

I was having one of those sleepless nights – thinking about everything from dogs to natural remedies when I had a thought. I thought of Influenzinum and how it’s an amazing preventative remedy that is taken during the flu season. I reflected back on my ND telling me that all the doctors and employees in their office take Influenzinum once a week and none of them have gotten the flu. I love how effective this remedy is and it’s something I really appreciate having for my family. (Living in today’s world … it’s all about knowing about the simple things we can do to protect and improve our health.)

Then I thought, “There's a hand full of other health threats that also ought to be approached with the same kind of weekly preventative measures. Why haven’t I seen that before?” My mind began to work full speed and I sat down and created a homeopathic detox and protection set that I felt very good about. Our family has started taking the sets once a week as a regular preventative measure for all those common … and even weird … and even scary… health threats that are ALWAYS around us in today’s world.

After I finished finalizing the details to this set, I was so excited about it. How haven’t I thought of this before? This should have always existed! Then I realized that with how strongly I felt about this protective and preventative set, some of you might be just as enthusiastic about it as well. So I decided to replicate it and make it available to everyone.

Some More About this Set...

The nice thing about this set is that it’s all homeopathic – an energy-based medicine and remedy that is said to work with the body’s vital life force to help with the temporary relief of the symptoms associated with the exposure to specific toxins or pathogens or to help boost the body’s system. Homeopathic remedies are completely safe for everyone – from babies to the elderly and can be used along with any prescription medication.

Toxins can be found everywhere – in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, the clothes we wear, the cleaning solutions we use, the make-up and lotions we apply, the cars we drive in, the factories we live close to, the viruses we’re exposed to, and the medicines we take. They’re everywhere! And if you ask me – this isn’t natural. It isn’t the way we were supposed to (or should) live. It’s too much for our precious body’s to handle and the health results show that this is the case.

As excited as I have been to have this for my family, I hope you are excited about it too. And I hope it helps boost your body’s ability to detox the garbage we’re continually being exposed to. Our bodies are amazing at detoxing and digesting and living … until they become too bogged down. I think it’s great to love our bodies in a way where we give it a little boost and alleviate some of the work it has to do with all it’s up against in today’s world.

This set also comes with an information sheet about what other things you can do, outside of taking these remedies, that will help keep your body on the right track and be better able to combat and shed and detox all of the electric fields and charges, energies, chemicals, pollutions, metals, and one of the most debilitating virus out there (EBV). View the information sheets at these links so you can read through them and see what all these sets are meant to help the body deal with or kick out. There's a good amount of info in each of these information sheets:

This world is an interesting one to be living in right now but at least we have options that will help protect and rebuild our bodies in the midst of it all.

I'll be in touch, 


Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Seek medical care if you think you have a health condition that needs medical attention. We do not guarantee, nor do we claim, that this formula will be effective against any certain virus, illness, or condition.